
by With Blood Comes Cleansing

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:50 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Dean Atkinson

File Size

84 KB




This-- is-- the-- place-- of-- the-- skull-- where-- terror-- reigned.-- A-- crucifixion-- of-- agony-- and-- pain.-- A- crown- of- thorns- pierced his skin. Now Bound- by- our- wages - of- sin.- Mercy- so- undeserved.------ We- cursed- our- God-- While-- he--suffered---- Mercy- so- undeserved.-- We- cursed- our- God-- While-- he- suffered-- The-- -- skies-- -- grow -- -- dark-- ------ and-- -- ---- the-------- earth------- - shakes -------- and --------- for a second your heart breaks. Eloi ------ ---- ---lama-- --- ----sabacthani --------------- Eloi ------ ---- ---lama-- --- ----sabacthani --------------- This-- -- ----- is-- -- -- the-- place- -- of- -- the- -- skull- ------ where- ---- terror- ----- reigned. - ------- A- crucifixion------- of- -------- agony- -----and- ------pain.- --------- A crown -- of - thorns - pierced - his - - skin. -- Bound -- by - -our wages -- of--- sin.--- -Our--- souls--- lie--- in--- Golgotha--- Prophecy-- fulfilled-- in-- Golgotha.-- Our--- souls--- lie--- in--- Golgotha--- Prophecy fulfilled in Golgotha.


Majority tabbed by Borisov Anton, Vocals and many corrections by:Hardcoredarrell.....Enjoy, I believe I have perfected this tab to the fullest, enjoy, keep it metal